Meet FSU Legend Peter Warrick at Grease

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American Social
Jumby Bay
Saturday, December 8, 2018 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Who wants to meet a living legend?

The Palm Beach County Seminole Club is pleased to welcome former Florida State star Peter Warrick to Grease, our official game-watching location in West Palm Beach, on Saturday, Dec. 8 from 7-9 p.m. FSU's MVP of the 1999 national championship season will be in town to meet his fellow Seminoles, talk about having his No. 9 jersey recently retired and share his favorite memories of playing for Bobby Bowden. For a nominal cost of $20, you'll be able to get your autograph/take your photograph with Peter, who will add his signature to the steadily growing list of names on "Seminole Jack" -- Grease's beloved FSU mascot. All paid FSU fans in attendance will receive a 25% discount on all food and drinks. Registration is now available online. Click here to pre-register and save. Admission will be $25 at the door.

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Grease Burger Bar
213 Clematis St.
West Palm Beach , FL 33401

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