FSU Songs & Chants

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FSU Fight Song

The Fight Song was written and is solely owned by Tommy Wright. A FSU professor since 1947. He wrote the music in 1950. And collaberated with a student at the time, Doug Alley who wrote the lyrics. It was first played at the 1950 Homecoming game. And can be heard repeatedly at every game. It has become the main cheer at every Seminole sporting event. The Fight Song was played by NASA’s Mission Control as a wake-up call for FSU alum, current faculty member, and astronaut Norm Thagard during all of his missions aboard the space shuttle Challenger and during his stay on the Russian Mir Space Station. It can also be heard on many Florida State University sporting merchandise like keychains, etc. Mr. Wright allows FSU to use the Fight Song every year in exchange for 2 season tickets. Which is a steal to FSU. I hope he atleast gets good seats. On behalf of every fan that has proudly sang your song. THANK YOU!

Listen To The FSU Fight Song

War Chant

Depending on what you believe, there are two histories of the War Chant. One such senerio is that it took almost fourty years in it’s evolution. With the popular cheer of the 1960′s, “Massacre” led by members of the Marching Chiefs chanting it’s melody, and changing it little by little each year until what we hear today.

Another version is that it was born during a 1984 game with Auburn. During that exciting game, the Marching Chiefs began to perform the cheer. Some students behind the band joned in and continued the “chant” portion after the band had ceased playing. The result, which was not very melodic at the time, sounded like chants by American Indians in Western movies. Spirited fans added the “chopping” motion a repetitious bending of the arm at the elbow, to symbolize a tomahawk swinging down. The chant continued among the student body during the 1985 season, and by the 1986 season was a stadiumwide activity. The Marching Chiefs refined the chant, plus put it’s own brand of accompaniment to it. And to this day continue to sutely change it. Other sports teams like the Atlanta Braves and the Kansas City Chiefs, have adopted one or both, the chant, or the arm motion called “The Chop”. And every year more sports teams are doing The Chop. It has been seen in stadiums for the Washington Redskins, among others not even associated with Indians. But it was first “The Seminole Chop”!!

You got to fight fight fight for FSU!
You got to scalp ‘em Seminoles!
You got to win win win win this game,
and roll on down to make those goals.
For FSU is on the warpath now,
and at the battle’s end she’s great.
So fight fight fight for victory.
The Seminoles of Florida State!




Listen To War Chant

Victory Song

Listen To The Victory Song

FSU Cheer

Listen To The FSU Cheer

Seminole Uprising

Listen To The Seminole Uprising

4th Quarter Fanfare

Listen To The 4th Quarter Fanfare

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