Bylaws of Palm Beach County Seminole Club Inc

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Club Bylaws

I. Meetings

a. Meetings will be run according to Robert’s Rules of Order..

b. The Seminole Club® shall hold at least one (1) general meeting per year in order to elect officers and directors. Only current FSU Alumni Association members and/or Seminole Boosters may vote on board member elections. Each individual of a FSU Alumni Association joint membership shall receive one vote. 

c. Additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the President or by order of a majority of the Board of Directors.

II. Officers and Directors

a. Officers and directors shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, concurrent with the club membership and fiscal years. The President shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms.

b. When a vacancy occurs among either officers or other directors of the Board, the President shall appoint a club member to fill the unexpired term of office with the consent of the majority of the Board of Directors. Should the club President not be able to serve out his or her term and less than six (6) months remain in that term, then the Board of Directors shall appoint an interim club president. If the club President is not able to serve his or her term and more than six (6) months remain in that term, there shall be a special election called by the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy.

c. The President shall preside at all meetings and shall have general supervision of all affairs of the club. The President shall be the official representative of the club on all occasions except when otherwise designated.

d. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence.

e. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings as well as a list of the club’s constituents with the address, telephone number and email address of each constituent. The Secretary also shall conduct the correspondence of the club, including overseeing the coordination of newsletters and other mailings.

f. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the club and deposit in a bank approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall pay all club debts and submit a report at every business meeting.

g. The immediate Past-President of the club will serve in an ex‐officio capacity. The Past-President will have no voting status with the Board.

III. Board of Directors

a. The Board of Directors shall consist of the above‐named officers and any additional directors to be elected by the club membership during the general elections. In addition, the Board of Directors will have, as ex‐officio members, any former President who serves by appointment of the Board.

b. The government of the club and the direction of its activities shall be vested in the Board of Directors.

c. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly during the course of the year. An agenda shall be distributed at least two (2) days prior to each meeting to allow for preparation. A sample agenda is as follows.

  • Call to order
  • Minutes of the last meeting
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Officer reports
  • Committee reports
  • Unfinished business
  • New business
  • Adjournment
d. The Board shall be called for special meetings on the order of the President, or on the order of any of the other three Board officers. Only such business of which the Board has been notified may be transacted at such a called meeting. Board members shall be notified immediately by phone or email of said meetings.

e. A quorum is defined as simple majority of the Board of Directors.

f. Should a quorum not be present, interim decisions must be reviewed and approved at the next Board meeting that a quorum is present.

g. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors must be called by the President upon the written request of the members of the Board of Directors.

IV. Standing Committees and Special Committees

a. The standing and special committees of the Board of Directors could include the following: Events, Membership Committee, Public Relations, Community Services, University Support and Nominating Committee. A minimum of one (1) Board member shall serve on each committee as Chair, or appoints a Chair, and be the liaison with the Board of Directors. All committee members shall serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The duties of the committees are:

i. Events Committee – oversee the coordination of club events, including game watching parties, meeting, service and social events and ticket sales.

ii. Membership Committee – be the club liaison with the FSU Alumni Association and encourage membership in both the alumni association and Seminole Boosters.

iii. Public Relations Committee – to oversee updating the club’s website and coordinate publicity for all club‐sponsored activities.

iv. Community Service Committee – to plan, coordinate and supervise the volunteer and community service events for the club.

v. University Support Committee – to promote, plan and coordinate local area events that involve officials for Florida State University or promotes Florida State University in the club geographic area.

vi. Nominating Committee – to compile a list of eligible candidates for Board positions, oversee the preparation of ballots to eligible member voters, count all votes taken at the general elections meeting and validate the results to the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint members of the Nominating Committee, consisting of no fewer than three (3) members and no more than five (5) members, and the Committee shall be approved by the Board of Directors, approximately three (3) months prior to the end of the Board’s current term. The committee shall be responsible for seeing that each step of the elections process is carried out in a timely manner so that the process is completed no later than one (1) month prior to the time the new Board of Directors takes office. The Chairperson will be appointed by the President.

b. Special ad hoc committees shall be appointed at the discretion of the Board of Directors to coordinate special events and projects sponsored by the club.

V. Removal of Directors, Officers and/or Members

Any director, officer or member of the club, by a two‐thirds majority vote of the full Board of Directors, may be removed whenever, in the judgment of the Board, the best interest of the club will be served thereby. This includes absences of any officer or director from regularly scheduled Board meetings that are deemed without merit by most of the other Board members.

VI. Membership

There is no local Seminole Club® membership. For the purposes of Seminole Clubs®, “members” are current members of the FSU Alumni Association and/or Seminole Boosters.

VII. Amendments

Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the club by a simple majority vote of the constituents present and voting. The Seminole Club® Constitution cannot be amended at the local Seminole Club® level.

VIII. Scholarship

Scholarships awarded by the club shall be awarded through an unbiased selection process.

Article I

SECTION 1. LIMITATIONS. No club or club member will have any right, title or interest in any of the property or assets, including any earned or investment income of the Alumni Association, and all Club property and assets shall be returned to the Alumni Association upon club dissolution.

SECTION 2. CONSTITUTION. The Seminole Club Constitution cannot be amended at the local Seminole Club level, and can only be amended by the FSU Alumni Association National Board of Directors

SECTION 3. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Florida State University Alumni Association and all Seminole Clubs is July 1 through June 30, inclusive, unless otherwise defined.

SECTION 4. OFFICIAL LOGO. The official logo shall be kept by on file by the club and shall be affixed to all legal documents or transactions as required. This logo must be approved through both the Florida State University Alumni Association and the FSU Office of Trademark Licensing and Affinity Marketing, and cannot be altered without expressed written consent.

SECTION 5. CONFIDENTIALITY: Seminole Clubs collect and are provided with confidential university information which is to be used exclusively for direct functions of the Seminole Club and is to be shared only with Florida State University and its Direct Support Organizations (DSOs)



SECTION 1. ALUMNI and BOOSTERS: All FSU Alumni, Seminole Boosters members and fans and friends of Florida State University are automatically eligible to participate in a Seminole Club. Active members of local Seminole Clubs are current Alumni Association members and/or current Seminole Booster members.



SECTION 1. GENERAL MEETINGS: Meetings shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.

SECTION 2. REQUIRED MEETINGS: All clubs shall meet at least once a year in order to hold officer elections. Exterior of this meeting, the club shall meet as determined by the club’s governing board.

SECTION 3. LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. Each club should make every effort possible to have at least one club leader in attendance at the Seminole Club Leadership Conference hosted by the FSU Alumni Association annually – with the understanding that personal conflicts, financial costs and other deterrents may prohibit attendance.


Board of Directors – All positions listed below are required to be Alumni Association members and/or Seminole Boosters.

SECTION 1. POSITIONS. Each Seminole Club is required to maintain a governing board or council consisting of, at minimum, the following officers: President, Vice President/President Elect, Treasurer and Secretary. Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, concurrent with Florida State University’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30)


a.President - presides at all meetings of the club; appoints the standing committees, appoints special committees; and exercises the powers generally associated with the President of a Seminole Club. The President shall be the official representative of the club on all occasions except when otherwise designated.

b. Vice President/President Elect – takes on the responsibilities of the president in the event of the President’s absence. The vice president works with other officers and committee members, is ex-officio member of all committees, and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the president.

c. Secretary - serves as the secretary to the governing body of the Club and compiles the official minutes of each meeting hosted by the Club. The Secretary tracks and records participation and attendance information and forwards board meeting minutes and materials to FSU Alumni Association. The Secretary also shall conduct the correspondence of the club, including overseeing the coordination of newsletters and other mailings.

d. Treasurer - assists in the preparation of all budgets; assists in the direction of the development and maintenance of the financial accounts and tax records, and assists in the handling of scholarship funds.



SECTION 1. SOURCE OF FUNDS. All Seminole Clubs will maintain a non-dues structure, receiving their base from Florida State University, distributed by the Alumni Association. While clubs are not permitted to collect local dues, they are encouraged to raise money in other ways, such as: charging on a per-event basis, securing sponsors (see sponsorship guidelines in SECTION 3) and other fundraisers.

SECTION 2. FINANCIAL DOCUMENTATION. Accurate financial records shall be kept for each club in compliance with this constitution and Club Requirements. The club Treasurer shall prepare all requested budgets and reports for the Alumni Association in accordance with the “Requirements of a Club” document. All supporting documents must be received by the FSU Alumni Association by Jan. 15 and July 15, respectively, failure to do so will jeopardize Seminole club status as an officially recognized chapter of the FSU AA.

SECTION 3: SPONSORSHIPS. FSU Alumni Association Corporate Partners (note that these would need to be updated on a regular basis)

Liberty Mutual
Business Category: Auto and Homeowners Insurance

FSU Bookstore
Business Category: Merchandise and Apparel

Business Category: Tourism and Visitor Services

FSU Alumni Association Corporate Partners may be recognized as sponsors of club events, but the Seminole Club should contact the FSUAA representative if they wish to partner. The FSUAA marketing staff member will act as the liaison to fulfill the partnership of the Club and Corporate Partner. Seminole Clubs will be contacted as quickly as possible whether or not Corporate Partners choose to participate in the event, but under no circumstances should the Seminole Club directly solicit Corporate Partners and/or request monetary compensation for a sponsorship.


If a club is dissolved:
1. All monies and materials will be returned to the FSU Alumni Association.

2. If club is dissolved or inactive for a period not exceeding two (2) years, the club is not required to undergo the re-chartering process. Monies and materials will be returned to the club upon reinstatement.

3. If club is dissolved or inactive for a period longer than two (2) years, the club must undergo the re-chartering process. Monies and materials can be returned to the club after this period of inactivity or dissolution at the discretion of the FSU Alumni Association.

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