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2025 Football

Countdown To The Alabama Game!

PBCSC Sponsors

American Social
Jumby Bay

Welcome to the Palm Beach County Seminole Club Store. Here you can purchase all of our available products. If you have any suggestions for products you would like to see us add, feel free to send us a message through our Contact Form. Click on a product category below to see catalog pages containing all items of that type. From the category catalog page, you can click on each individual item to see full details about that item.

Bus Trips
Door Prize Drawing Tickets
Event Tickets
PBCSC Merchandise

If you experience any problems with our ordering system, please visit our Store Help page for full store/shopping cart system/checkout process instructions. If you encounter a problem that you cannot resolve through our Store Help page, please contact our webmaster through the Contact Form. Please be very specific in describing the problem you are having and include the full text of any error messages you may encounter (when applicable). This is a brand new shopping cart system implemented for the first time on our site, so please bear with us if there are any glitches that must be worked out.

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