Game of Axes

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2025 Football

Countdown To The Alabama Game!

PBCSC Sponsors

Jumby Bay
American Social
Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 12:00pm to 4:00pm

Want to Throw a Tomahawk?

Join us for a one of a kind Nole Day out! Game of Axes is excited to bring the thrill of axe throwing to the heart of South Florida. You get to throw axes at wooden targets… while having a drink! The game is simple and the technique to throw can be learned quickly. With the help of talented axe-masters, you will be hitting bullseyes in no time.

Registration is $40 and includes ax throwing, light bites, and a cash bar. There is a required safety course, so please be on time. Register at!

Attendees must be 18 and over and wear closed toe shoes for safety 


Game of Axes
12550 S Military Trail
Boynton Beach , FL 33436

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