2017 Seminole Booster Spring Tour

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2025 Football

Countdown To The Alabama Game!

PBCSC Sponsors

American Social
Jumby Bay
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 6:00pm to 10:00pm

Calling all Seminoles:

The Palm Beach County Seminole Club is pleased to welcome Florida State University head football coach Jimbo Fisher back to Palm Beach County as part of the 2017 Seminole Boosters Spring Tour.

Come join your fellow Seminoles at Mellow Mushroom in Delray Beach on Tuesday, April 25, and hear what Coach Fisher has to say about the upcoming football season, the NFL Draft and the highly anticipated season opener against Alabama in Atlanta.

Coach Fisher will take part in a Q&A session with the "Voice of the Seminoles," Gene Deckerhoff, and answer questions from the fans.

Doors open at 6 p.m. and admission is $15 per person. Participants will have the opportunity to eat, drink and mingle with fellow Seminoles and former players in an intimate setting while watching highlights from the 2016 season at the official game-watching bar of the Palm Beach County Seminole Club. There will also be door-prize drawings and a silent auction for the chance to win FSU memorabilia.

Food service will be discontinued before Coach Fisher takes the stage at 8:30 p.m. and will not resume. Admission does not guarantee seating and tables will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so participants are encouraged to arrive early to ensure they get the best seat in the house.

Due to time constraints, no individual photograph or autograph sessions will be available.

Purchase your tickets to see Coach Fisher in his first and only Palm Beach County appearance this year. Admission will not be guaranteed at the door without advanced purchase.


Mellow Mushroom Delray
25 SE 6th Ave.
Delray Beach , FL 33483

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